Napoleon was mentioned about this structure. I cannot remember. The "needle" it is to me. Look it up, this is a test.

This is such a good picture of Carmen. We were over on the island of Moreno, where they make that famous glass. It as cold, rainy and it snowed. That is Venice across the bay.
Just Chillin'
Our hotel offered us afternoon tea and crumpets. This is it. The first hotel we got was horrible so we found this one. More to our liking and "expensive" tastes.

The beautiful Church. It is awesome. Now part of it is a museum. There are four horses right over the middle arch that were given to the Pope my the Roman Emperor.

This is the famous plaza. All around the sides are stores and cafes. Expensive, but I'll tell you, the food is great here.

Captured Carmen and MOM feeding the pigeons. I could not believe mom let this happen!! They just surround you, even if you dont have any food.

Mom just had to have her picture with these guys. As you can see, they didn't like it. JERKS

One of the many bridges that cross the canals.

One of the many "statures" MOM, Carmen, me

Just a busy street

all of us at breakfast, they always give a "shot" of alcohol after. I'm the only daring one!!
That is my MOM and my niece, Carmen.
All of us having dinner. Carmen, me, Mom and best friends, Diana and Cathy.
Leslie- I thought I would check up on your exciting life, what great pictures! Venice is so incredible, it is like a story book land! Your blog looks great, I love your background!
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