1. Tiawan
2. Cuba - Was there when Castro took over (with my Dad, he was in the Navy)
3. Mexico (most of the Carribean)
4. England
5. Most of Europe (Switzerland, France, Austria, Italy, Germany, England, Poland, Chezh Rep, more to go)
6. My favorite - Midway, Utah
Soon to be living in Italy. Vicenza to be exact. I've accepted a position there. I'm so excited!!
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Five Places I've Been
Posted by Leslie's Place at 3:26 AM 2 comments
Five things you may not know about me
1. I like to sew - made my daughters costumes for Cinderella and Swiss Miss
2. I taught dance for over 10 years (tap, jazz, ballet)
3. I'm writing a book and 2 plays
4. I was on my High Schools Swim and Diving Team
5. I was on a Water Ballet Team
Posted by Leslie's Place at 3:00 AM 1 comments
Five jobs I've had
1. Mother (my best and most rewarding)
2. Secretary (hasn't everyone?)
3. Candy Striper
4. Waitress (hasn't everyone?)
5. Social Worker
There are more, but these are the ones that I remember the most. I've lived a long time, so I've had so many jobs.
Posted by Leslie's Place at 2:57 AM 0 comments
Five things I'm thankful for
1. My family
2. My opportunities
3. My job
4. My friends
5. My many, many blessings
Posted by Leslie's Place at 2:56 AM 0 comments
Five things left to do
1. Travel on the Orient Express
2. Float down the Nile and the Amazon
3. Go to Machu Pichu (Peru)
4. African Photo Safarri
5. Retire
Posted by Leslie's Place at 2:54 AM 0 comments
All My Family

Taylors Graduation
Adam and Taylor

Visit to Germany, BlackForest