Monday, September 20, 2010

More in daddys boots

What a character


Eating a popsicle on a hot day

Just some fun pictures

In daddy's boots

Ady's 3rd Birthday Party

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Swiss Days Parade

We all went to the Parade and the kids got plenty of candy. Adam rode in the parade and I got a picture. We sure had fun.


This is how they wanted to dress, and Ady had to have all these bows in her hair. Cute!

In our Silk PJ's

Last of Korea, this time

Ladies selling their wares.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Hello Friends

Well not much to post today. When I get bored, usually at night and on weekends, my entertainment is taking a walk around post, stompting ants. Pretty bad, right? There are bugs everywhere here! This evening I'm going into town with a parent that is from here, and she is going to show me where to shop for things like jewelry, clothing, blankets, Korean folk art, etc. She speaks the language as well as perfect English. Her mother owns a clothing shop, so it will be interesting to see what she makes. So, all for now, and I'll be seeing everyone in 2 1/2 weeks. I cannot wait to get home and hug my family!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Yes, these are real pigs heads. They sell them all over the markets. Yes, they do boil and eat them. There are hooves, ears and snouts that are condidered a delicacy. I'm going to believe them and not try it. What a wuss I am!

Here is another one of my favorite Korean food. It is vegetables and meat wrapped with rice and sea weed. There are all kinds of this. This has a mixture of beef, chicken, tuna, fish and kimshe. The receptionist at the hotel brought this to me for dinner. Her family had made some and she brought it for me to try. It was sooooo delicious! I'm getting the receipies for all this food, so I can have a Korean dinner party, chop sticks and all. I may even have a traditional Korean dress to serve. It will be fun!

Field trip to a milk farm. This is a picture of the kids, and we made ice cream, milked a cow and fed the calves. Some of these kids have never seen a cow, let alone milked one. I hadn't forgotten how to do it, and the Korean guy was very impressed. He had me get into a contest of how far we could squeeze the milk. He won, but I sure was close. Needless to say, I was a hero among the kids.

These are my feet in the water where the "doctor fish" remove the callasus (sp?) and make your skin so soft, it is a pedicure technique here in Korea. It doesn't hurt, and only tickles a little. Your feet some out so soft. Look closely for the fish.

Rice patties

These are rice patties, that I remember so well when I was in Tiawan as a child. Brought back memories of me jumping from layer to layer of rice patties in the soft mud. This is how they grow the rice, in rows with contant water like a little lake with the rice on top, All sorts of fish, creatures and sometimes snakes are hidden in the little lakes beneath the plants.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Hi there, this is me in Uijeonbeou, by the beautiful park that runs through the main town. It is a very Korean market as you'll see by the pictures below. It has anything you may think you need. Ha

Sunday, July 4, 2010

An ostrich that was at a "milk farm" here. We went on a field trip to the country at this farm. The have holstein (sp?) cows, rabbits, chickens, deer, a donkey and a mule. The kids got to feed the calves and milk a cow. You would be surprise how many of these kids have never seen a cow.

More Skyline. This city is full of high rise buildings that house apartments and buisiness offices. Most live in apartments . It sure looks full, doesn't it?

The skyline of Seoul

Olympic stadium, where the 1988 Olympics took place in Seoul.

If you look closely in the mirror, you'll see a bus. I'm on that bus taking this picture of one of the many bridges that are lined with flowers. It is overcast, so you really cannot see the beauty of the flowers.

These are more "fish stands" I've never seen so much fish in one place as this. Everyone is shopping for the fish. It is crowded in the markets. Love going through them, there is anything you would want in Uijeonbeou

Ladies selling their wares. This is fish. Don't know what kind, but there are many.

This is one of the floors of the main shopping center. Shopping is on about 7 levels, above and below. This is the ground floor.

First meal when I got here. It is called, Kim bob, boiled dumblings with a meat and vegetable stuffing. Delicious! One of my favorites.


As you enter the City, these beautiful flowers and the little stream going through it.

The Geese

These Geese made a home in our yard. More noise and poops than anything.

All My Family

All My Family
Taylors Graduation

Adam and Taylor

Adam and Taylor
Visit to Germany, BlackForest