Friday, May 16, 2008

My Trip to Poland - Warsaw and Kracow

I wanted to add some comments, and this is how it is turning out. Oh well. Ok, the statue is on of the rulers of Poland, once upon a time. He was a great war hero. The statue of the Mermaid, is the symbol of Poland. It is said that she came from the sea and fought off the enemies of the Prince, thus Poland became a country. The picture of me in the doorway is the house of Chopin. It is a museum and it is awesome. His original music compositions are there, along with a couple of pianos he owned. There is a statue built for him that is next. It is very melancholy as you look at it, because those that knew him said he was a very somber person. There is a lovely park around it. Also, we stayed in the Holiday Inn there. (I know not very "in" with the culture. But it had airconditioning and it was hotter than.........well you know.)


All My Family

All My Family
Taylors Graduation

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